Recommendations to Volcano

Action Items

  • Review about the default pod security configuration used by Volcano. Link
  • Review the deployment architecture to add safeguards to prevent unauthorized access or changes to deployments.
  • Review communication between services within Volcano to consider need of encryption to prevent integrity.
  • Review and document protocols used for safeguarding credentials like admission secret, image pull secret, cryptographic keys and certificates.
  • Review resource isolation and security in a multi-tenant environment.
  • Review safety of storing sensitive job data within Volcano structures like CSCI Storage? or Dedicated Volume.
  • Review insufficiency of logging using limited kubectl logs to detect an attack or mis-behaviour of Volcano components.
  • Review and add tools additional to CodeQL in the development and deployment process to manage code quality and security.
  • Document known security issues or limitations with the current version of Volcano.
  • Improve OpenSSF best practices badge from 5/10 to 10/10 by implementing the following tasks:
    • Cryptographically signing release artifacts.
    • Having the project’s workflows follow the principle of least privilege. (multiple GitHub workflow tokens were detected with excessive permissions)
    • Fuzzing the project
    • Checking all commits with static code analysis
    • Limiting the project’s exposure to open, known unfixed vulnerabilities.
    • Having the project declare and pinned the dependencies of its build process by hash
  • Conduct a comprehensive review of RBAC policies within Volcano scheduler and controller to ensure the principle of least privilege.
  • Review image security for containerized deployments to make sure container images are signed and immutable.
  • Define a process to regularly update Volcano dependencies and automate check for vulnerabilities in them using tools like OWASP Dependency-Check.